Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Journal 3

EDUC 422 Arlynn Cook September 28, 2010
Journal #3 “Bring the World into Your Classroom” NETS-1 and 2

McDermon, Linda. (n.d.). Bring the world into your classroom. Learning and leading with technology, Volume 38 No. 2 (September/October), Retrieved from http://www.learningandleading-digital.com/learning_leading/20100910//Pring_submit.action

Interactive video-conferencing is being used in K-12 classrooms to bring a greater world experience to students.  Conferencing can be used to connect with other classrooms in the United States or around the World.  It can also be used to visit educational destinations such as museums. Linda McDermon in her article tells of two programs that have benefited students, RAP (Read Around the Planet) and Mega Conference Jr. Both programs have brought students from different parts of the country together to collaborate on projects and exchange ideas.

Q1: How do these types of programs benefit students?
A1: These programs give teachers the tools to incorporate hands-on multicultural learning.  It fosters understanding and gives students the opportunity to meet and engage with different children they might not have ever had the chance to interact with, especially with students of other countries. Utilizing this type of technology brings students into the 21st century and provides the awareness of what is possible through technology.

Q1: How many school districts or classrooms take advantage of the technology tool?
A1:  It is hard to know how widespread video-conferencing is.  As with many states and school districts there isn’t an all encompassing policy that includes all programs in each school within each district.  Most of the time affluent areas have access to technology more that lower achieving areas.  The Federal and State institutions that are responsible for curriculum need to investigate the benefits of such programs and facilitate implementation.  There is several free software options available to get a video-conferencing program started.  It is important to integrate the use of technology into the classroom as a norm instead of random pilot programs scattered throughout the United States, and unfortunately most are found in affluent schools. 

Journal #2

EDUC 422 Arlynn Cook September 28, 2010
Journal #2 “Join the Flock!” and “Enhance Your Twitter Experience” NETS-3 and 5

Miller McClintock, Shannon. (2010). Enhance you twitter experience. Learning and leading with technology, 37(June/July), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=June_July_No_8_2&Template=/Members
Ferguson, Hadley. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning and leading with    technology,37(June/July),Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/LLIssues?Volumes37200920
Both articles, “Join the Flock!” and “Enhance Your Twitter Experience”, advocate the use of a PLN (Professional Learning Network) to enhance the resources available to educators.  To build a PLN both authors suggest using Twitter as the main technology platform to build ones PLN.  Each author gives step by step instructions or suggestions on how to get started, follow and manage Twitter accounts.  Miller prefers to use a TweetDeck to help her organize her contacts and information, while Ferguson has different Twitter accounts for different information.  Again both articles mention using hash tags, which is a system designed to target specific topics, and works by attaching the # symbol to Tweets.  

Q1: How would a PLN be beneficial to an educator?
A1: The purpose of a PLN is to be able to tap into all sorts of ideas regarding education from all different people around the country and world.  In doing so it provides an opportunity to gain ideas through only  one source, your Tweets, it’s like having the information come to you instead of having to seek and research different sources.  It also gives the educator the freedom to customize their PLN based on what they are specifically interested in.  For, example a 6th grade Social Studies teacher that is interested in The American Civil War can network with other 6th grade Social Studies teachers to get ideas and view resources that have been helpful to them.  An educator’s PLN can expand the teaching experience which in turn expands the learning experience for students.

Q2: What are some draw backs to using Twitter for a PLN?
A1:   Some drawbacks to starting a PLN using Twitter would be, one it takes an incredible amount of time to get started, especially if you are not Tech or Twitter Savvy.   It takes time to create an account and to filter through the vast amount of information available.  Twitter is also a place for casual communication which can be distracting.  After you have navigated the information and have established some resources it then takes time and effort to stay current with your network of colleagues.  Teachers are very busy and every minute is precious, so unless one is extremely organized and efficient a PLN can become a drain on time.  When an educator is researching different methods of lifelong learning, they should be very certain and confident about the route they choose.  As with any new endeavor there is a learning curve and if it is easily overcome then a PLN can be priceless.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

School 2.0 Reflection Tool

NETS-V Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
School 2.0 is a tool used to evaluate current research in technology and includes information about how to incorporate technology into the classroom. 

Blog post 2.0 Reflection Tool

I was interested in learning how to find information on ways to network with other educators in regards to technology in the classroom.  One of the resource options I searched led me to a Digital Education Blog.  It had a lot of information about legal policies that addressed internet use in schools.  It gave the latest updates about the FCC's E-rate program.  The program is involved in supplying discount internet access for schools and is also working on providing access to educational mobile devices in areas off campus.  As with any federal agency, legislation and policy is an ongoing process and this blog site keeps educators up to date.  Some of the other resources I clicked on took me to some sites that wanted to sell educational materials or books.  It would take some time and perseverience to weed through to find useful information.  Overall, I can see the potential for educators to gain some useful tools and networks.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

EDUC 422 Journal #1

EDUC 422 Arlynn Cook September 21, 2010
Journal #1 “Taking Laptops Schoolwide”  NETS-5
Green, T, Donovan, L, & Bass, K. (2010). Taking laptops schoolwide: a professional learning community approach. Learning and leading with technology, 38(1), Retrieved from http://www.learningandleading-digital.com/learning_leading
This article highlights the merits of using laptops in the classroom at each grade level K-12.  The authors recommend using a teacher collaboration approach to incorporating laptop use in schools.  The collaborative approach includes teachers meeting to discuss student data, student progress and implementation of computer skills into the curriculum.  Teachers in schools that integrated the laptops into the curriculum assigned computer skill building as homework.   Teachers determined introducing basic laptop skills at a lower grade level ensured student computer proficiency shown at higher grade levels, stating that progressive laptop use improved skills.  The authors stress four areas of consideration when implementing a one-to-one collaborative laptop program into a school.  These four areas are School climate, communication, collaboration and progression of use.  The conclusion of their article states “they realize every school context is different, that despite the differences each school will work through the same issues.” (Green, Donovan, & Bass, 2010)
Q1: Does this program ensure the equality/equity of education?
 A1: This type of program would be extremely difficult to incorporate into schools that don’t have the resources from their state, district or their communities.  As mentioned in the article one school district with 20 schools had only 6 of them participating in the laptop program.  It takes more than just teacher collaboration to make it possible for all students to have the opportunity to learn and work with current technology.  It is unfair to say that all schools given different contexts face the same issues.  That is simply unrealistic and one sided.  The article itself even states laptops were only integrated into a GATE program targeting combination 3/4 and 4/5 classes, insinuating that not all the students at that school had equal opportunity.  Unless programs like these that utilize new technology are made available to every student in every school there will always be inequality and inequitable education.
Q2:  What could be done to ensure a successful laptop program for all schools?
A2:  Programs like Taking Laptops Schoolwide are an excellent idea.  Our society and government should understand and focus on the importance of educating a computer/technology literate society.  The mandate for technology in education needs to come from the top.  There needs to be a universal program for all states and school districts to bring laptops and curriculum into every classroom not just a chosen few.  If each school district was responsible instead of individual teachers there could be collaboration district, state and nationwide.  It is imperative that students without access to computers at home be given the opportunity to have access to them at school.  There also needs to be more time allotted for students to use computers at school to ensure they are gaining and improving their technology skills.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Introducing Arlynn Cook

My name is Arlynn Cook, I was born in Northern California, inland from the Bay area. My father was in the military so when I was 5 we moved to Colorado. Four years later he got orders to ship to Germany so my mom and I moved to Escondido to be close to my grandparents, that was back in 1980 and I have been here ever since. My school experience was not that great until I attended Palomar College and received my AA in 1991. My husband and I were teenage friends, but we officially started dating the day I graduated from high school. We got married and had three children so my education was put on hold. My oldest, Justin 19 is now at Palomar working toward his nursing degree, Daniel 17 is a senior at Orange Glen High School and is on the road to UCSD, and my daughter, Alyssa 13 is an 8th grader at Bear Valley Middle School. After my kids became a bit older I finally decided on what I would like to do for a career, so I went back to school to work toward my teaching credential and here I am. My favorite place is the desert, specifically Ocotillo Wells, we have been taking our family to Ocotillo Wells for many years. And during desert season, October to May, we try and go at least once a month. All of my children learned to ride motorcycles at a very young age and I have a dune buggy. It is a whole lot of FUN!

Since I grew up in the 80's technology for me meant school papers on a word processor, music on the go was AA batteries and many tapes, I still needed change to make a phone call, and personal computers had green screens. I have to admit I am slow in learning and keeping up with today's technology. My daughter helps me navigate Face book, I didn't have a cell phone until I was in my early 30's and only started texting when I got a phone with a keyboard. However, my ipod is awesome! I am hopeful this class will help me gain the much needed skills to be more tech savvy.

The mission statement for the College of Education is very forward thinking. I like the emphasis on diversity, educational equity and lifelong learning. With the NCLB Act I believe education has taken a huge step backward. While Math and Reading are very important they should not be the sole focus for education, students need to experience science and social studies as well as learn how to nurture their physical and emotional well being. Through such a forward thinking program and training I hope to contribute to furthering education reform in a positive direction to include a well rounded curriculum.

My blog address:
